Curtain Up Cookies is taking a hiatus from cookie creating to focus on outside endeavors.

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gettin' Crafty: DIY Photo Box

Ever since my camera had an unfortunate encounter with a cup of root beer, I've been having a lot of trouble getting good pictures of my cookies. I was forced to use my iPhone (3GS) for one batch, and I've been using a borrowed digital camera since then, but the lighting in my apartment is awful. There isn't enough light anywhere, the lights create endless shadows, and as I'm usually up til all hours of the night finishing the cookies, sunlight if often not an option.

So, I decided I would ask for a photo box for Christmas. I found one on Amazon for $40. Cheap, easy, what else could you want. But then  I started reading the user reviews, and I decided that maybe it wasn't worth my money, and did some research, which led me here:

I made a Staples and Home Depot run and snagged a box from the recycling.
It was super easy! It took me less than an hour to make!


And then I spent an hour playing with it!


And of course Charlie needed to inspect it.

Pictures look much better than those in my kitchen light (left).
I can't wait to see how the cookies look!

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